The Kippington Town Secret Series!!!

The KMS News Crew are officially defunct after Principal Kross and associates deem their school report a distraction. Ria, Ramone, Collin, Natasha, Cecilia, and Tate know the truth: Their segment "Kippington Revealed" uncovered a secret factory in Shadow Hill Forest. Despite a growing number of authority figures watching their every move they decide to investigate the mystery surrounding the factory. What they discover next threatens to destroy the validity of town records presented to the public since the founding of Kippington Town.
When the eighth-grade classes joined the bus Ria noticed that Principal Tan along with Bob’s father, Mr. MacIntyre, and Ginger’s father, Mr. Crane, watched Cecilia and Tate closely as they argued. The first part of their plan was successful. As the bus rode to Kippington Fire Station, Ria and Natasha struck up a conversation with Mr. Hornsby who sat to their right.
“Will we have access to the newspaper archives or maybe see some old footage from fire reports back in the 70s or 80s?” Ria asked. Mr. Hornsby chuckled.
“I don’t think we’ll get to do all that, but I’m sure Captain Reed will have an exciting tour and presentation for us this year.” The girls continued to ask Mr. Hornsby about the fire station as Collin and Ramone observed the chaperones to see who they could trick for the next part of their plan.
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